Credits: 4
Prerequisite: EN 11

Welcome to English Studies 12! CHEK ABC English courses for Grades 10, 11 and 12 are courses developed by CHEK ABC professional teaching staff. Teachers trained as specialists in English have developed these English courses so that the courses will reflect the high Christian standards of the school and at the same time meet all the requirements of the BC Ministry of Education. The course content deals with the real world as it is in its brokenness and sorrow but at the same time is guided by Philippians 4:8 in which the Christian is encouraged to think on that which is the highest and the best. The CHEK ABC English courses are unique in that the major pieces of literature such as novels or plays at each grade level have printed supplements that have been prepared by a CHEK ABC English teacher who is not only a specialist in the teaching of English but is also a specialist in integrating faith and learning into educational materials. These supplements examine the novel or play within a Christian context and give a Christian perspective to the piece of literature. This enables the student to pursue the study of the novel or play and in doing so see how faith and learning has been integrated into the subject matter to develop a Christian perspective on the novel or the play. GRADE 12 ENGLISH  STUDIES This course emphasizes the expressive and functional purposes of language and its uses in a wide variety of contexts in academic and daily life. Students will analyze and respond to a variety of texts, including literary texts from various countries and cultures. They will also create oral and written texts in a variety of forms for practical and academic purposes. The course, besides preparing students for college or the workplace, is intended to help students learn to communicate more effectively, develop a positive attitude towards language, make connections to other areas in their lives, think critically, use technology and learn to appreciate their own culture and that of others. This course also has the aim of presenting to the student a Christian perspective on the content of the course. The student will be encouraged to consider the nature of man and the limits of evil, the brevity of life and the stewardship of time, man as a worshipper, the reality of a moral universe, the cosmic dimensions in the conflict between good and evil, the Christian as a realist and the Golden Age to come. In one novel in which the Holocaust is the theme the student will consider the Christian perspective on the Holocaust. In the study of Shakespeare's Hamlet the student will also be encouraged to consider the Christian view on the existence of a moral universe, the eternal dimension to human life, the limits of evil and the possibility of redemption for the worst of people.